Aviso de conferencia de prensa y protesta por discriminacion de los cubanos por el gobierno cubano que les impide entrar por mar a Cuba. Unete por tierra este MARTES 12 de abril a las 12:00 del mediodia a un piquete protesta simultaneo con la conferencia de prensa frente a carnival cruises y el 1ro de mayo, a la 1:00 pm, UNETE AL BARCO DEMOCRACIA CON TU BOTE desde la marina detras del Parque de las Cotorras y Miami Yatch Club para protestar en la Bahia Biscayne al momento de la salida hacia Cuba del barco "Adonia" la politica discriminatoria de regimen de castro contra los cubanos que permite que los extranjeros viajen por mar a Cuba en yates, botes, regatas y cruceros pero no le permite a los cubanos que vivimos en Florida hacer lo mismo. Acompaña al Barco Democracia en ese momento para despedirlo con tu bote a su partida junto al crucero "Adonia" hacia Cuba donde tratara de evidenciar que a los extranjeros se les permite la entrada a Cuba pero a los cubanos o cubano americanos de les niega.
of press conference by the democracy movement and simultaneous
protest in front of Carnival cruise lines for discrimination against
cubans who would like to travel aboard the cruise line "Adonia"
but are denied the opportunity based on their nationality.
The press conference and the protest picket will take place this tuesday, april 12, 2016, at 12:00 noon in front of carnival's cruise line, located in 36 st nw 87th avenue.
A protest flotilla in miami and to cuba will also be announced.
This is an effort to vindicate the right of cubans and cuban americans to travel to cuba by sea, something that it's currently prohibited by the cuban government who discriminates it's own citizens from entering their own country by sea while allowing everyone else to do so.
The cuban government forces the cruise liners to also blatanly discriminate against cubans and cuban americans when they want to travel to cuba in their cruises by not selling a ticket to them because they are either cuban or cuban-american.
We clarify that this is not against the cruise ships traveling to cuba. We believe that building bridges with free people will help build freedom to the oppressed cuban people. This is against the apartheid by virtue of nationality policy that offends human rights and human dignity.
We are expeditiously working in an effort to enter into a constructive dialogue with Carnival and other cruise liners wanting to travel to Cuba. We are awaiting Carnival's kind response although they appear sensitive to this very unamerican and unjust practice and wanting to overcome it.
Our legal team is currently working on this issue.
We have presented this case to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Much more details will be offered at the press conference on tuesday.
A meeting with the US Coast guard is scheduled for monday at 9:00 am in their headquarters in downtown miami to discuss a protest boat flotilla in biscayne bay upon departure of the cruise line "Adonia" on may 1st at 4:00 pm headed to cuba and a posible "Lights of Freedom Democracy Flotilla" on the 16th of april to near Cuba during the communist party congress in havana that weekend.
A meeting between us state department officials and democracy movement is scheduled for next week in miami to address issues of common interest in the Cuba-US scenario.
For more information please call Ramon Saul Sanchez 305 785-0669